The Barbara J. Blaszak Prize is given annually to the best paper presented at the conference by a graduate student. Established in 2015, the award is given in honor of Barbara Blaszak, Professor Emerita of History at Le Moyne College. It carries a $300 cash prize along with complimentary registration at the next year’s meeting.
The prize is determined by a committee of judges who are members of the NYSAEH Executive Committee.
*Please note that in order to be eligible for the prize, you must be pre-registered for the conference.
Past Winners
2023: Jessica Hogbin, Syracuse. “Death in Cortona: Debate on Proper Medical Care in Seventeenth Century Tuscany.”
2022: Jeffrey Baron, University of Rochester. “The Legality and Morality of Colonial American Grave Robbing.”
2021: Tanya G. Blakeley-Clark, University at Buffalo. ““But Did She Fyte?”: Sexual Violence, Consent, and the Law in Early Modern England.”
2019: Tyson Luneau, University at Albany. “Building the Empire: The Rise and Fall of Railway Construction in French Africa, 1879-1945.”
2018: Máire Fox, St. John’s University. “Anatomy as Visual and Performance Art in Victorian Britain.”
2017: Elżbieta Kwiecińska, European University Institute. “The concept of the ‘civilizing mission’ and German, Polish, and Ukrainian orientalism in a global perspective (1841-1918).”
2016: Sarah Patterson, University at Albany. “Chloroform, Clinics and Caps: The Medicalization of Reproduction in the United States and Great Britain.”
2015: Diana Moore, The Graduate Center, City University of New York. “A New Apostolate: Transnational Protestant and Mazzinian Women in Italian State-Building.”